Thursday, September 24, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Update from the HQ: Swingz

We recently discovered our mutual love for swinging so we decided to set aside weekly swinging time in Riverside at 116. WAY BETTER than the 113 swings. But don't get any ideas about using them, there are enough kids to compete with for a spot. Our first time these other kids actually added to the experience--there isn't a picture but we owe half of the fun to watching a baby blob all his baby self to the front of the "chasity belt" swing seat and then kick his little baby legs when he wasn't going fast enough. The second time a mom stared us down as if there is some sort of time limit on the playground (which there isn't, unless you count the 15 min sign we are going to bring from now on to get other kids off ). The third time all these kids were hogging the equipment and we felt we could NOT in fact bully THEM off. The worst part was they were not really doing any any swinging at all, just kind of sitting in a way that can be done on a bench or somewhere NOT the 2 adult sized swings we were waiting our turn to use. We might or might not have offended some parents because of the profanity that ensued from all of this waiting and frustration and double standards and little kid preferential treatment. The day wasn't a total loss though, we found a winner of a kid playing in a little fountain and if we weren't freaking people out enough, took a picture or two (sorry if his mom is reading this).
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Stuff Matt Left: Steak/Hat
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Update from the HQ: A Lesson in Shower Etiquette
Our gracious and hygienically concerned suite mate Elena bought a hair-stopped for the shower drain because apparently shit was backin' up. Anyway, it was with the newly installed hair stopper that HOV ventured in to duh shower, and with a hair stopped full of HOV's weave that I ventured into said shower. I'v got 99 problems and HOVs hair in the drain is one (her barfy unicorns are another, but that is neither here nor there). SO I go HOV an I'm all "whats this?" with my hand poised on hip, finger in the air, lips pouting and a look in my eyes that says "mhmh girl, not today."So i drag her to the bathroom and she's all "i have a problem with losing hair" and I'm all "shut up and clean" and she's like "no, seriously look how thin it is..." but like, WHO CARES JUST GET RID OF IT. Oh wait though, dear readers, She doesn't want to touch it. You know, because hair is gross. Anyway, check out the PICS of her comically using an entire roll of TP to dispose of this mess. (unfortunately there is no picture of THE COMB). Also, just to keep track, this resulted in 2 pipettes (you heard that BOVICE). Luckily, we were already in a bathroom.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Dear Readers,
We are starting a blog and this is how (meet me in the club) it's goin' down. We are going to have different sections about different things, and they are as follows:
1. Updates from the HQ: there is a lot going on around the Chris Kirkpatrick HQ (new party straws! taking vitamins? this blog?!) and this will keep you in the loop
2. Song of the Week
4. SPOTTED: funny pics n' stuff
3. OFFENSE of the week: this is interactive. if you see any O-faces or O face being particularly O or just anything O send us a pic.
4. Stuff Matt Brown Left Here: Matt Brown likes to leave a lot of fun stuff over so that he gets invited back to CHILL. We amuse ourselves with it in the mean time.
5. Stuff Adam Valen Levinson Drops: like Matt, AVL is always leaving things around, except his is probably a product of butter fingers. stuff just slips right out.
6. Stuff Lauren Does in a 1 Piece Bathing suit: more that you think.
7. Charlotte and Bunny Cuddle Corner: they love naps lol.
8. INTERVIEW: we are building a new space ship/exclusive interview space. each week we will conduct an interview with someone we feel is noteworthy and/or has volunteered.
these are subject to change. if you have suggestions, you can let us know.
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